You can use the element of fire to transform and add power to the energy in your life to what you desire.
An easy way to do this is using different colors of candles.
Did you know when you burn a candle of a certain color it can connect your physical world to the Universal energy?!
Each color carries a different energy and when you add it to a candle and use the element of fire, you are igniting that energy!
So doing the simple act of lighting a colored candle can help you manifest what you desire into reality!!
How exciting is that??
Here are some simple steps to using different colored candles to manifest your desires.
Supplies you may need:
Colored candle (look to the list below of the candles color intentions)
A piece of paper (or 3 pieces of paper) and pen or just your thoughts
A lighter or match
Fire proof container (if your burning the paper)

Place your candle in a safe place for burning.
Write on your piece of paper your intention or outcome you desire.
Option 1: Place your paper under the candle. Light your candle and gaze at the flame as you think about what you’re desiring. Do this as long as you are led to. Once you are done, blow out the candle you’re you’re making a wish with a birthday candle. Keep the paper somewhere safe. Repeat as often as you like.
Option 2: Light your candle. Light your paper with the flame and place it into the fireproof container. Gaze on the paper as it burns, until ash (once cooled give ash back to Mother Earth). Once you are done, blow out the candle you’re you’re making a wish with a birthday candle. Keep the paper somewhere safe. Repeat as often as you like.
Option 3: Light your candle. Gaze at the flame visioning your desire or outcome. Do this as long as you are led to. Once you are done, blow out the candle like you’re making a wish with a birthday candle. (You can set the piece of paper you wrote your intention/goal on next to the candle to remember what your intending, but its not necessary for this step).
No matter what option you choose, when you use this formula, Magick just happens!
Power of the Color + Fire Element + Your Intention = A Very Magickal Result!
Happy Manifesting!!
Color Energy List
White: peace, personal strength
Black: physical, psychic protection
Green: prosperity, creativity
Blue: any type of healing, emotions, health, trauma, etc.
Yellow: community, career
Red: love, self-love, love relationships, sex
Pink: heartbreak, friendships, family
Purple: spirituality, connecting to spirit guides, spiritual transformation
Orange: goals, ambition, direction
Brown: grounding, Mother Earth connection, balancing, mental health
Rainbow: self-expression, chakras
For your personalized Candle Manifestation Kit, email Crystal Le Fay to order!
Click here to see the video version for more detailed instructions: