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Fire Healing Body Mind and Spirit Candle Spell

Writer's picture: Crystal Le Fay Psychic MediumCrystal Le Fay Psychic Medium


  • healing oil for anointing candle

  • one red spell candle

  • one bay leaf

  • one red marker

  • fireproof container

  • small glass of blessed water

Bay Leaf is associated with healing and fulfillment of wishes, also when you burn bay leaf it may boost your immunity and releases anxiety.

This is the time to banish all health issues Body, Mind and Spirit. You will be burning away the old, any unwanted physical, mental and spiritual unbalances. So that you can bring in the new, healed, version of yourself.

This is not meant to replace Medical Care it will add power to any healing process started by a medical professional.

By doing the spell you're aligning yourself at a high healing vibrational frequency, allowing your healing process to unfold at a faster rate.

  • Use the healing oil and anoint your red candle, put aside.

  • Take three deep breaths, close your eyes.

  • Envision a white light around your heart space.

  • Take the white light to each part of your body surrounding your whole body with white light.

  • Then take the white light out around your body about 4 ft into your aura, spend a few moments surrounded by the white light.

  • Take a deep breath and open your eyes.

  • Light your red candle, take a few moments focusing on the fire of the flame.

  • Write your healing wish on your bay leaf.

  • Hold your bay leaf in both hands up to your heart space, focusing on how you want your body, mind and spiritual form to be. See yourself whole and balanced in all ways.

  • Say this Mantra as you're holding your bay leaf in your hands,

"I release all unbalances within me, I am ready to heal and I allow the energies of the Divine to take the elements of fire, to burn away my old and make me whole. It is done! Thank you! So mote it be!"

  • Put your bay leaf in your fireproof container, light on fire repeat Mantra again.

  • Pour your blessed water on the bay leaf once it has turned to ash.

  • Give ashes back to Mother Earth.

Crystal Le Fay does have supplies for this spell for sale. Contact her for more details.

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