Past, Present, Future Self-Healing Ritual
· 1 Pillow
· Feel Good Music
· Lighter
· 3 pieces of paper & pen
· 3 different colored candles (Plus candle holders)
Any size or shape of candle will do.
Pick from these colors for candles
White: peace, healing, innocence
Pink: love, nurturing, friendship
Red: strength, survival, independence
Orange: justice, joy, celebration
Yellow: positive attitude, sun, memory
Green: growth, mother earth, success
Blue: protection, forgiveness, water
Purple: spiritual power, break habit, drive away evil
Brown: house blessing, stability, pets
Black: safety, shapeshifting, banishing negativity
· Turn on music
· Place the 3 candles in their holders, lighter, paper, pen and pillow in front of where you will be sitting.
· Sit in a comfortable position, either on the floor or in a chair.
· Write Past on one piece of paper, Present on the next paper and Future on the last paper. Then write on each paper the color of the candle for each Past, Present and Future. Lastly write the meaning of each colored candle associated with your Past, Present and Future. Place the paper next to its candle.
· Close your eyes, take 3 deep breaths.
· Visualize a child in your mind’s eye. The age that shows up as a child, is the age you need to heal.
· In your mind’s eye, see yourself standing in front of the child.
· Know that the child in front of you, is your inner child.
· They have shown up for healing.
· Now open your eyes and light the first candle (this candle represents your inner child.)
· Hug your pillow and say the words on the paper 3 times, start with “You have had _________________.”
· Blow out the candle.
· Close your eyes, take 3 deep breaths.
· Visualize you right now in your mind’s eye.
· In your mind’s eye, see yourself standing in front of yourself.
· Know that the person in front of you, is you in this present moment.
· They have shown up for healing.
· Now open your eyes and light the second candle (this candle represents you now.)
· Hug your pillow and say the words on the paper 3 times, start with “You now have _________________.”
· Blow out the candle.
· Close your eyes, take 3 deep breaths.
· Visualize a future version of you in your mind’s eye.
· In your mind’s eye, see yourself standing in front of yourself.
· Know that the person in front of you, is you in the future.
· They have shown up for healing.
· Now open your eyes and light the third candle (this candle represents you in the future.)
· Hug your pillow and say the words on the paper 3 times, start with “You will have _________________.”
· Blow out the candle.
· Sit in silence for a moment just focusing on your breath.
· Close your eyes.
· Now see in your minds eye all 3 versions of you, they are holding hands.
· See them smiling and laughing.
· They are so exited to see each other!
· They know they are not alone; they always have each other, and they are one.
· Watch them walk away, leaving you with feelings of peace and wholeness.
· Take 3 deep breaths, open your eyes.
Record this in your own voice and listen to it for an amazing self-meditation.
Find the Meditation on my YouTube Channel

Love Crystal Le Fay