The Wiccan Year – Lughnasadh, Lammas
On the first day of August, Lughnasadh, Lammas marks the initiation of the yearly procession of seasonal celebrations. This special occasion serves as a time to wholeheartedly recognize the Great Mother and to express our profound gratitude for the abundant first harvest. Additionally, this festival serves as a tribute to Lugh, the esteemed Celtic Sun King and God of Light.
During this period, we purposefully welcome change and the flux of energy, instigating a renewal of our body, mind, and spirit. As the pace of growth decelerates, we are presented with an invaluable opportunity for profound introspection.
The vibrant and symbolic colors associated with Lammas—green, yellow, and red—stand as representations of the earth's opulence and the season's vibrant energy.
Simple Lughnasadh, Lammas Ritual by Crystal Le Fay
For the "Sacred Union" ritual, each participant will need the following supplies:
1 Yellow candle
1 Tan candle
Handful of Frankincense
Handful of Sandalwood
Vegetable or Grain Decor
Fireproof Container
Light snacks
Tea or Water Ritual
Sacred Union Ritual
1. Begin by setting up the altar and arranging the candles, frankincense, sandalwood, and vegetable/grain decor. Create a sacred space by casting a circle around the altar.
2. Stand in front of the altar and take three deep breaths to center yourself.
3. Clap your hands three times and then dance around the altar while singing aloud: “I celebrate the marriage of Father Sun and Mother Earth!”
4. Start by lighting the yellow candle. Turn away from the altar and light the Frankincense. Wave the smoke around you as you sing out loud, “May my Spirit dance with Father Sun, giving thanks to his power.” Then sing louder, “REJOICE! REJOICE! REJOICE!”
5. Next, turn back to the altar and blow out the yellow candle. Light the tan candle and then the Sandalwood. Wave the Sandalwood smoke around you as you sing out loud, “May my body be grounded with Mother Earth, giving thanks for our life.” Then sing louder, “REBORN! REBORN REBORN!!!” Blow out the Tan candle after.
6. Once again, clap your hands three times and dance around the altar while singing aloud: “Yay for the power of Father Sun and Mother Earth from all live comes!!!” Sing louder, “IT IS SO! IT IS SO! IT IS SO!”
7. After the ritual, enjoy the provided snacks and drinks.
8. To conclude, uncast the circle and give the herb ashes back to Mother Earth as a gesture of gratitude.
