The Wiccan Year - Samhain
The wheel is an annual cycle of seasonal festivals and of the God and Goddess.
October 31 - One of the four Greater Sabbats
(Hallow-eve, The New Year)
This festival is a time to celebrate the lives of those who have passed on, it’s a time to pay respects to ancestors, family members, elders of the faith, friends, pets, and other loved ones who have died.
This is the time when the Goddess gives the reins to the God. During this time the God will stand at the gates between the worlds.
The veil is very thin during Samhain. The past year is dying. Now we look forward to its rebirth.
Colors for Samhain are black, red and orange.
Simple Samhain Ritual by Crystal Le Fay
Supplies: For each person participating
· 1 black candle, 1 orange candle, Handful of White Sage and Mugwort, Fall or Halloween Décor, Fire Proof Container, A piece of Pumpkin Pie, A glass of milk, cider or dark colored juice, Bell
Ritual - Let go of the Old, Welcome the New
1. Set up altar and cast your circle.
2. Face your altar, take in 3 deep breaths.
3. Ring your bell 3 times, then walk around your altar, repeating out loud: “I celebrate the sacred dance from birth to death to rebirth. I am open to the balance of the Universe in my past life!”
4. Light your black candle. Turn away from your altar. Light your White Sage and wave around you. Say out loud, “I am ready to let go of the last year.” Yell out loud, “Farewell, Farewell, Farewell!!!”
5. Turn back to your altar. Blow out your black candle. Light your orange candle. Light your Mugwort and wave it around you. Say out loud, “I am ready to welcome the new year.” Yell out loud, “Hello, Hello, Hello!!!” Blow out your orange candle.
6. Ring your bell 3 times, then walk around your altar, repeating out loud: “I celebrate the sacred dance from birth to death to rebirth. I am open to the balance of the Universe in my present life!” Yell out loud, “IT IS SO! ITS IS SO! IT IS SO!”
7. Enjoy your pie and drink.
8. Uncast circle. Give herbs ashes back to Mother Earth.
